Is Doctor’s diet good for my niece?

This doctor wanted my niece also to be put on his special metabolic injections and appetite suppressants etc etc but my sister completely disallowed this, believing it unhealthy for a young teenager. He has said that she should be weighed at his clinic once a week for a cost of R2000 a month and that on reaching her goal weight, she should continue to be weighed weekly for a period of 6 months (and a cost of R2000 per month).
Any advice you could offer would be greatly appreciated. I am very concerned that this “diet” is going to do permanent damage to my niece.

It sounds like this diet is going to do serious damage to your bank balance! Here at Calorie Counter we would definitely advise against spending lots of money on slimming products. I think the best thing the whole family can do for your niece is to be supportive, encourage her, and buy lots of healthy foods that you can all enjoy. It is important that your niece is a healthy weight, but without becoming obsessive about dieting, which could have long terms effects on her happiness. I would suggest you all look at making some changes to your lifestyle to eat a healthy balanced diet that you can stick to for life, have a look round the rest of the site for some ideas.

One thought on “Is Doctor’s diet good for my niece?

  1. Marly Spalding

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